วันเสาร์ที่ 23 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Definition

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a method by which consumers, debt, and employees are not able to pay them back. It 'a way for them to restore their financial situation and re-balance of a balance.

Bankruptcy is a legal procedure in which a lender files are not a judge, expressing his inability to pay its debts. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is usually the bankruptcy reorganization. This is a debt that is filed by consumers who want to pay their debts within a period ofthree to five years. This is a strategy that helps people to maintain some of their possessions, their homes and at the same time a means to achieve their standards of financial life.

The consumer makes a bankruptcy petition before a court, which lists its program of activity and passivity. Subsequently, the person filing for bankruptcy is a repayment plan that is carefully considered by creditors in order to verify whether it meets their needs. According to a surveyBrand objections and amendments, both parties accept the plan.

However, there are other additional confirmatory tests, which remain before the bankruptcy reorganization. Some of them is a test for the partial amount that creditors would receive, compare, if you follow in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This test aims to confirm that the creditors should have the same amount of both Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 will be. Another test, the applicant must pay all theirdisposable income of the repayment plan as well.

Chapter 13 helps people who are in the direction of an important property, because they are concerned? S home. An example is a person who does not have many house payments and are afraid of receiving a foreclosure. This person may hold the same by filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This is like a rule? Automatic stay listed? and allows time for a consumer to be missed payments.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is therefore quiteuseful. However, in one important respect, keep in mind before the presentation is that a consumer? Credit Record S suffers from a 10-year-old black list, where it is extremely difficult to obtain a loan if they needed to secure.

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